Sunday, May 8, 2016

Week 6 BioTech + Art

BioTech + Art

Genetic Engineering Art
In week 6, we discussed the field of Biology + art and how artists are discovering many pros and cons to the field of biology and art. In lecture, Professor Vesna explains how BioTech art has many different meanings like Gmo in your food, experimentation with animals and creating hybrids between species. It can be a mixture of working in laboratories getting to exam the flesh, cells and tissues directly or it can be a collaboration with scientists and using scientific imaging. Artists now days are entering labs and working with live animals and cells to discover more about what biotechnology is bringing into the world. 

Joe Davis 

Joe Davis who created this idea of Biotech art has very unique and dangerous ideas of how to
experiment more within the human body. His research takes place at MIT and he is known for his creative ideas with genetic materials. For example he discovered the art in E. coli that responds to jazz and soundstage music and he created an audio microscope that translates light information into sound that allows you to hear living cells. He became an artists known for his extensive research genetic databases and new biological forms.

X Farmacy- Natalie Jeremijenko
Another well known artist, Natalie Jeremijenko, who is the director at X Design and is a biochemistry genius, explores the art field of technology and the environment. She focuses on environmental issues and creates art pieces inspired by her passion for the environment. One of her pieces, X Farmacy was an urban farming system that is designed to improve environmental health and augment biodiversity in addition to producing edibles. Natalie Jeremijenko also created the new invention of robotic dog toys to sniff out toxins in our environment. She along with Joe Davis are very influential artists that are beginning to challenge the art and science culture. Ultimately, I think it's amazing that artists and scientists can work together on new biotechnology and have their own ideas however, there should be some restrictions on human creativity and what types of things scientists/artists are creating to protect our environment from a miscalculation or error.

1. Jeremijenko, Nataile. "Natalie Jeremijenko". Inspiration Green, 20 Apr. 2011.
2. Miranda, Carolina A. "Weird Science: Biotechnology as Art Form." ARTnews. Weird Science, 18 Mar. 2013.
3. Ted Talk, Nataile Jermeijenko: The art of the eco-mindshift. October 2009.

4. "UNESCO Arts, Science & Technology." UNESCO Arts, Science & Technology. Digi Arts, June
2000. Web.
5. Vesna, Victoria. “BioTech + Art.” Lecture 1, 2. 2016



  1. Hi Karly, I really liked your blog post this week! I was also extremely interested by
    Natalie Jeremijenko's X Farmacy project. The intersection of art and biotechnology furthers our abilities in the science, technology and art worlds but I also agree that there should be certain restrictions. I think we are bordering an era where we are exerting too much control over natural things which could pose as a serious problem for future generations.

  2. Hey Karly, nice post! It's crazy to think that we now live in a world where biotechnology and art have merged, and this is now the norm. GMO products, as you mentioned, are a part of our everyday lives. I also agree that there should be restrictions. There is a fine line between slightly altering what nature has already prepared and taking it too far.

  3. Hey Karly, I loved your blog post this week! It was really informative and got my mind thinking. I think it is really interesting how artists are leaving their studios and entering the labs...Although I am not a fan of the gene modification that occurs no animals. I don't think any animal should be tested that way--it is very cruel.
