Sunday, May 15, 2016

Week 7 Neuroscience + Art

Week 7 Neuroscience + Art 

Greg Dunn Neuron Painting

The mind is continuing to expand everyday in the human body with more knowledge and insight on how the human body works. This week we learned how neuroscientists and artists are discovering more information on how the human brain works and what exactly happens inside our brain. Professor Vesna discusses how the consciousness and memory of the brain is still a mysterious place that is almost impossible to understand however researchers have discovered many facts and have accomplished new studies with new technology. After the invention of the microscope and discovery of electricity scientists were then able to research and examine the brain even deeper. 

Sigmund Freud Psychoanalytic Theory Dreams

Sigmund Freud who was one of the most innovated neurologists discovered the idea of our mind divided into two parts the conscious and unconscious mind and then into the Id and superego. The conscious is being aware of your thoughts and oneself and the unconscious are thoughts that occur automatically for example Freud says a representation of your dreams. Freud develops his idea of the human mind and dreams from his famous book, The Interpretation of Dreams, where he explains is your unconscious mind trying to fulfill a wish or resolve a problem. He focuses on the biological drives of the brain and how our unconscious thought is then sent to the conscious mind. Freud created the psychoanalytic theory of dreams which explains the meaning of the way unconscious thoughts and emotions are process in the mind during sleep. He discovered that dreams have two parts a remembered dream after we wake and a later dream we do not remember that is our unconscious. 

Phrenology Chart
In the youtube video lecture, Mark Cohen explains how there are multiple parts of the brain that obtain lots of functions and can easily get over used. He conducted an experiment where he could alter visual worlds or inverted visuals worlds and discovered that the human mind adapted very easily due to our brains remembrance. He discusses how scientists first tried to explain the human brain by using phrenology, which are measurements of the human skull. Phrenology was developed by Franz Gall and is now known as the ancient version of brain mapping. Gall discovered that the mind is a collection of independent entities and the shape of the brain determines the personality and mental development of the human. In the picture shows Gals 27 fundamental faculties of the brain which therefore make an assumption about someones personality and character. We have learned that our culture is shaped and influenced by our body and mind through the discoveries from scientists and artists. 

1. Bateson, Gregory. "MIND AND NATURE: A necessary unit.” Web. 15 May 2016.
2. Cohen, Mark. "Neuroscience-Mark" YouTube. 12 May 2012.
3. Masterson, Jessica Tress, et al. Art therapy and clinical neuroscience. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2008.
4. Solso, Robert L. "The cognitive neuroscience of art: A preliminary fMRI observation." Journal of Consciousness Studies 7.8-9 (2000): 75-86.
5. Vesna, Victoria. “Neuroscience + Art.” Lecture 1, 2, 3. 2016.



1 comment:

  1. Karly!

    I think that you covered all of the topics really well this week and that your blog was really informative. I think that ideas about the unconscious vs. the conscious mind is so interesting and when it pertains to dreams, it is all the most intriguing. Dreams are so fascinating and why we forget them in particular. I think your piece about Freud as insightful and helped me better understand the things I did not really understand. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge!
