Thursday, May 26, 2016

Week 9

Space + Art

Copernican Universe
What is space? Space is an unknown world beyond earth’s atmosphere that is a boundless three-dimensional empty area. This is an absolute area that contains our world and solar system. Astronomers have been studying space, the stars, sun and planets since the beginning of time and have began to discover information about what the actually meaning of life is. The discovery of our solar system formed from many Philosophers who came up with the understanding of physics and science that the earth moves around the sun and so do the planets. Nicolas Copernicus, a famous astronomer, who studied law, mathematics and medicine, created a heliocentric model of the solar system that started this understanding of the earth. This was the idea of having the sun in the middle of the solar system in mathematical detail. Further research and the invention of the telescope created philosophers to studied the planets in further detail and finally learn more about earth.

Neil Armstrong

 From last week we can also discuss how nanotechnology plays a role in space exploration due to meteorites holding helium and molecules being detected on earth. We use these ideas of science fiction and connect those with scientists to really explain this mystery of space and to continue the discover of how earth was created and how we are continuing to survive. Due to more technological advancements, scientists could be able to fulfill the dream of having humans see the universe in real life and actually experience being in outer space. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space and Neil Armstrong the first american who got to experience the american dream by landing and stepping on the moon. History was made once scientist could begin studying pieces of the moon and moving closer to discovering more information about our planets and planet/space compositions.

Sputnik (1957)

During the Cold War, the Soviet Union began a massive retaliation which resulted into the creation of the Sputnik. The Soviet Union launched the first satellite the Sputnik in 1957. It was a tiny small sphere that could reflect light and could be seen and heard by operators around the world. This satellites purpose was to orbit around the earth but had meaningless information however it did have a huge impact on citizens around the world. Russian engineers created this satellite which created an enormous change in the educational system and impacted the united states in a scare. As a result, we can thank the Sputnik because it provoked the government into giving more funding to educational systems and created more classes involving mathematics and science. Furthermore, space travel and shuttles have had huge improvements and have started a national phoneme of everyone wanting the experience and being apart of the space life and NASA due to the mass media...

1. Bekey, Ivan, Richard Powell, and Robery Austin. "NASA studies access to space." Aerospace America 32 (1994): 38-43.
2. Britain, David. Space and spatial diffusion. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2002.
3. Dickson, Paul. Sputnik: The shock of the century. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2001.
4. Herridge, Linda. "Pathfinder Operations Will Pave Way for Space Launch System processing." NASA. NASA, 28 Mar. 2016. Web. 
5. Vesna, Victoria. “Space + Art.” Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 2016.


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Week 8 Nano Tech + Art

Nano Tech + Art

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 
Science and art has created a new form of education not only for scientists but now for younger generation being able to learn these new and important discoveries of science and art. Nanotechnology which is defined in the dictionary as a manipulation of matter on a atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale has been important for artists because it is a whole new genre of science and recreates science from new technology. Nanotechnology refers to 1 to 100 nanometers and was first used to describe semiconductor process such as thin film deposition and ion beam milling. Physicist Richard Feynman who worked on the atom bomb and the Manhattan project and worked on new forms of technology that could change the world helped start this explanation of nanotechnology. 40 years ago Feynman gave a lecture and explained the principles of physics and how we can manipulate things on a atomic scale. He discovered that as we make things on a nanoscale, the law of physics can change and quantum effects can be used to create new effects. Nanotechnology is now being used to create many new products and innovations such as nano medicine.

Nano Drug

 Nanomedicine which is formed from nano materials and nanoparticles, has create new forms to revolutionize medicine to target tumors and offers great benefits for people in the future dealing with cancer or chemotherapy. Due to this creation, nano drugs was formed to help with tissue engineering and medical devices. Drug delivery systems will be able to help and improve other drugs solubility and prevent tissue damage. Nanomedicine has been tested on mice and is still waiting to be tested on a human however could be a step towards curing cancer. However, there has been several issues regarding nanotechnology and nano medicine regarding medical and health issues leading to diseases and particle in the brain and lungs. Even though there are health and environment concerns thousands of nanotechnology products are on the market and it is one of the biggest markets in the world.


The U.S. has invested 3.7 billion dollars into nanotechnology and nanotechnology products exist everywhere and to this day are becoming integrated into educational curriculum. In the article, "Art as an avenue to science literacy: Teaching nanotechnology through stained glass”, The Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network began to help engage students in the understanding of nanotechnology by creating activities connecting nanotechnology to poetry, chemical “magic shows” and art composition for example stained glass artistry. A nanoparticle stained glass program was formed for students and included three main concepts Nanoparticles of gold and silver behave differently than bulk gold and silver, interconnection between art and science and how nanotechnology has been used since the Middle Ages. Overall, students any ages could achieve a variety of learning and connect the fields of science, engineering and art through bringing public awareness of nanotechnology.

Nanoparticle stained glass window

1. Duncan, Kimberly A., et al. "Art as an avenue to science literacy: Teaching nanotechnology through stained glass." Journal of chemical education 87.10 (2010): 1031-1038.
2. Farokhzad, Omid C., and Robert Langer. "Impact of nanotechnology on drug delivery." ACS nano 3.1 (2009): 16-20.
3. Mnyusiwalla, Anisa, Abdallah S. Daar, and Peter A. Singer. "‘Mind the gap’: science and ethics in nanotechnology." Nanotechnology 14.3 (2003): R9.
4. Vesna, Victoria. “Nano Tech + Art.” Nanotech for Artists Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 2016.
5. Zhu, Guizh, Lei Mai, and Weihong Tan. "Nanomedicine." The Scientist Magazine. Aug. 2014. Web

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Week 7 Neuroscience + Art

Week 7 Neuroscience + Art 

Greg Dunn Neuron Painting

The mind is continuing to expand everyday in the human body with more knowledge and insight on how the human body works. This week we learned how neuroscientists and artists are discovering more information on how the human brain works and what exactly happens inside our brain. Professor Vesna discusses how the consciousness and memory of the brain is still a mysterious place that is almost impossible to understand however researchers have discovered many facts and have accomplished new studies with new technology. After the invention of the microscope and discovery of electricity scientists were then able to research and examine the brain even deeper. 

Sigmund Freud Psychoanalytic Theory Dreams

Sigmund Freud who was one of the most innovated neurologists discovered the idea of our mind divided into two parts the conscious and unconscious mind and then into the Id and superego. The conscious is being aware of your thoughts and oneself and the unconscious are thoughts that occur automatically for example Freud says a representation of your dreams. Freud develops his idea of the human mind and dreams from his famous book, The Interpretation of Dreams, where he explains is your unconscious mind trying to fulfill a wish or resolve a problem. He focuses on the biological drives of the brain and how our unconscious thought is then sent to the conscious mind. Freud created the psychoanalytic theory of dreams which explains the meaning of the way unconscious thoughts and emotions are process in the mind during sleep. He discovered that dreams have two parts a remembered dream after we wake and a later dream we do not remember that is our unconscious. 

Phrenology Chart
In the youtube video lecture, Mark Cohen explains how there are multiple parts of the brain that obtain lots of functions and can easily get over used. He conducted an experiment where he could alter visual worlds or inverted visuals worlds and discovered that the human mind adapted very easily due to our brains remembrance. He discusses how scientists first tried to explain the human brain by using phrenology, which are measurements of the human skull. Phrenology was developed by Franz Gall and is now known as the ancient version of brain mapping. Gall discovered that the mind is a collection of independent entities and the shape of the brain determines the personality and mental development of the human. In the picture shows Gals 27 fundamental faculties of the brain which therefore make an assumption about someones personality and character. We have learned that our culture is shaped and influenced by our body and mind through the discoveries from scientists and artists. 

1. Bateson, Gregory. "MIND AND NATURE: A necessary unit.” Web. 15 May 2016.
2. Cohen, Mark. "Neuroscience-Mark" YouTube. 12 May 2012.
3. Masterson, Jessica Tress, et al. Art therapy and clinical neuroscience. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2008.
4. Solso, Robert L. "The cognitive neuroscience of art: A preliminary fMRI observation." Journal of Consciousness Studies 7.8-9 (2000): 75-86.
5. Vesna, Victoria. “Neuroscience + Art.” Lecture 1, 2, 3. 2016.



Sunday, May 8, 2016

Week 6 BioTech + Art

BioTech + Art

Genetic Engineering Art
In week 6, we discussed the field of Biology + art and how artists are discovering many pros and cons to the field of biology and art. In lecture, Professor Vesna explains how BioTech art has many different meanings like Gmo in your food, experimentation with animals and creating hybrids between species. It can be a mixture of working in laboratories getting to exam the flesh, cells and tissues directly or it can be a collaboration with scientists and using scientific imaging. Artists now days are entering labs and working with live animals and cells to discover more about what biotechnology is bringing into the world. 

Joe Davis 

Joe Davis who created this idea of Biotech art has very unique and dangerous ideas of how to
experiment more within the human body. His research takes place at MIT and he is known for his creative ideas with genetic materials. For example he discovered the art in E. coli that responds to jazz and soundstage music and he created an audio microscope that translates light information into sound that allows you to hear living cells. He became an artists known for his extensive research genetic databases and new biological forms.

X Farmacy- Natalie Jeremijenko
Another well known artist, Natalie Jeremijenko, who is the director at X Design and is a biochemistry genius, explores the art field of technology and the environment. She focuses on environmental issues and creates art pieces inspired by her passion for the environment. One of her pieces, X Farmacy was an urban farming system that is designed to improve environmental health and augment biodiversity in addition to producing edibles. Natalie Jeremijenko also created the new invention of robotic dog toys to sniff out toxins in our environment. She along with Joe Davis are very influential artists that are beginning to challenge the art and science culture. Ultimately, I think it's amazing that artists and scientists can work together on new biotechnology and have their own ideas however, there should be some restrictions on human creativity and what types of things scientists/artists are creating to protect our environment from a miscalculation or error.

1. Jeremijenko, Nataile. "Natalie Jeremijenko". Inspiration Green, 20 Apr. 2011.
2. Miranda, Carolina A. "Weird Science: Biotechnology as Art Form." ARTnews. Weird Science, 18 Mar. 2013.
3. Ted Talk, Nataile Jermeijenko: The art of the eco-mindshift. October 2009.

4. "UNESCO Arts, Science & Technology." UNESCO Arts, Science & Technology. Digi Arts, June
2000. Web.
5. Vesna, Victoria. “BioTech + Art.” Lecture 1, 2. 2016


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Event 1: Black Mountain College

Leap Before You Look: Black Mountain College Performance April 23, 2016

Two weeks ago, I visited the Hammer Museum to see the exhibit Black Mountain College and watched an in gallery performance, “Changeling” by Silas Riener and music influenced by Christian Wolff and John Cage. The performance was done by the L.A. Dance Project and was highly influenced by similar style of teaching at Black Mountain College. This performance took place in the middle of the exhibit and the dance style was influential since it reflected many artists that actually attended Black Mountain College during the 1930s-1960s.

Geodesic Dome: Black Mountain College
Black Mountain College was a liberal arts school founded in 1933 in Black Mountain, North Carolina. The school was an experimental approach by John Andrew Rice and many other influential artists including John Cage and Buckminster Fuller, who designed the geodesic dome. The geodesic dome reflects on what Professor Vesna discussed in lecture about this distinction of two cultures of art and science. C.P. Snow explains that the curricular of schools and universities are the main reason for this separation of these two cultures. The students enrolled in this arts school were all visual artists, composers, poets, and designers and later on became influential artists. The school closed in 1957 after 24 years and now Black Mountain College is preserved as a museum and art center in North Carolina.

This exhibition was a very eye opening experience of how this art school changed history for artists and the art culture. During the exhibit you could see a variety of writings, art pieces, sketches, pottery and music that many famous artists created or composed. The Black Mountain College exhibit ends may 15th so I would highly recommend all students to go see it and learn more about influential artists that changed the American art scene. 


1. "Black Mountain College: A Brief Introduction - Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center." Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center. Wed. 25, May 2016.
2. "Black Mountain College." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 21 Apr. 2016.
3. Drolson, Karly. Hammer Museum Pamphlet. Photograph. 23 May. 2016.
4. Drolson, Karly. Hammer Museum John Cage. Photograph. 23 May 2016. 
5. "In-Gallery Performances." The Hammer Museum. before-you-look-black-mountain-college-1933-1957/ Web. 25 May 2016
6. Vesna,Victoria. “Two Culutres Part 1.” YouTube. 30 Mar 2012.